Perforator Adapters
Holte Perforators can work with Casings from 4” to 24”. Custom Adapters can be provided for odd sizes, special jobs, and for sizes even bigger than 24”.
Smaller diameter pipe provides less friction for perforating with Slide Adapters. Roller Adapters reduce the force needed by about 25% so perforation can be done with smaller Rigs and Rollers work best for larger diameter pipes.
Roller Adapters can come with two different sizes of Rollers (for Casing diameters specified as OD or ID). Rollers for most Adapters can also be changed if there is not enough force to push the Perforator down the Casing.
The Large (10”) Perforator comes standard with a 10” Slide Adapter while the 4” and 6” Perforators can be used on matched Casing without any Adapter.
Adapters attach quickly with two bolts—once inside the Well the Casing snugs the Adapter to the Perforator.